One of the benefits of partnering with us is to assist African Governments in the context of the COVID19 pandemic EU recovery plan to achieve their development goals and reach their national development objectives by implementing the New Investment Model & its Innovation driven toolbox for Africa, with the support of Europe, Israel and UAE to overcome the current global economic recession.
What is the Global Gateway Africa ? What is Europe Investment Package ? What is the New Investment Model for Africa ? How to make a Pilot Project with EMPFG Group ? What is the EU-Israel-UAE Strategic Roundtable for Africa's development ? Who is EMPFG Group ? Are you an African country, How can we help you ?
we can shape global policy, share knowledge
& promote real innovation
Europe's global strategy to build sustainable partnerships for an interconnected world. It covers issues from green and digital transitions, securing health supply chains and urban development to high quality education and innovation in science and technology. Together, we can shape global policy, share knowledge and promote real innovation.
The EU-Africa initiative (EU External Investment Plan – EIP) aims to drive European and African investments in joint and consortium-based pilot projects in key fields such as AgriTech, Health and digital government mobile services. This initiative is based on a Public-Private partnership (The New Investment Model for Africa) support by the EU and co-funded by African governments at the highest levels depending on the nature of the project. The EMPFG consortium aims to engage with African Governments in collaboration with the EU, Israel and UAE and to facilitate the deployment of pilot projects to showcase the potential of such initiative to transform Africa’s future. OBJECTIVES 1) EU-Africa Initiative to booster investments and funding in joint European-African projects in key fields such as AgriTech, Health and digital government mobile services. This initiative is based on reinforcing Public-Private partnership to foster good governance and to mutually share investment risks. 2) Pilot projects – EMPFG consortium would be interested in setting up joint pilot projects to reinforce this approach and to promote the EU-Africa initiative as a policy instrument to drive innovation in key sectors in Africa and to mutualise risks of such projects.
expectations from our collaboration
EMPFG Consortium would like to engage with African countries in an effective collaboration to foster New Investment Model for Africa, as well as setting up small scale demonstrators to illustrate the potential of the EU-Africa initiative, while fostering efficiency, good governance and economic growth.
next steps
eu - israel - uae strategic round table
brussels, fall-winter 2022
The aim of the Strategic Round table is to assist African governments in the frame of the post-COVID19 recovery plan in achieving their development goals and accomplish their national development goals by implementing the new investment model & innovative tools for Africa that will assist also Europe Israel and UAE and rest of the world overcome the global economic recession. The Strategic round table for Africa development will also showcase the great impact of the new EU Global Gateway plan to build sustainable partnerships for a connected world, such as the recent agreement between the EU Commisson and the Government of Israel to join forces to help protect the world from a major food crisis; and the new peace & collaboration agreement between Israel and UAE over accelerating establishment of sustainable projects in Africa, the Middle East and all over the world! Furthermore, to create a global network for addressing the main challenges of our times in the frame of the new recovery plan of the European commission - The Global Gateway plan focus on green revolution, and digital transitions aiming to repair damage from the pandemic crisis and prepare a better future and better world for the next generation is the right recovery plan also for the whole world; and now is the time for global collaboration solidarity, cohesion and convergence must drive Europe’s, Africa and the rest of the world recovery, by straighten the EU-Africa alliance for sustainable development. The strategic round table meeting for Africa will be on Head of States and Ministerial level, and will take place during the second half of 2022. The Strategic Roundtable will be at head of states and ministerial level to sign several MOUs to establish selected pilot projects in several African countries (DRC, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Botswana and Mauritius) to showcase the impact of the new technological partnerships and investment model for Africa using innovative digital tools on improving prosperity of the local economy and attracting private and foreign investment funds for Africa. To this effect, an innovative investment, banking, and technology model for Africa will be presented during the EU-Israel UAE Strategic Roundtable along with new tools for strengthening the international collaboration network for Africa. The new investment model for Africa requires the establishment of a Public Private Partnership between local governments and private investment groups to leverage governmental assets such as arable lands for cultivation of globally demanded crops, natural resources mines and other industries to improve efficiency and inject capital growth funds. The Butterfly integrated banking and smart technology, new physical and digital bridges to be built for the benefit of both sides! To this effect the planned Strategic Roundtable for Africa will serve as catalytic platform to reach common understandings between senior governmental decision makers of several selected African countries to establish in those selected countries several pilot projects to showcase the impact of the new investment model & digital tools on the development of local economy. The EU Israel and UAE share a common interest to resolve migration crises by establishing sustainable projects in Africa to create jobs and improve the local economies. This strategic collaboration will create a win-win situation for the EU, Israel, UAE Africa and the world - as the innovative solutions that will be presented during the Strategic Roundtable meeting will tackle the three global main challenges at same time: it will help to resolve migration crises, will help to accelerate the economic growth of Africa, the EU Israel AND the Middle East, and will fight climate change by implementing a green revolution in Africa. SID Israel works in a continuous dialogue with key Israeli government agencies, the private sector, civil society, and Jewish organisations around the world, and held several events at the Israeli parliament addressing international aid and development, SID-Israel will serve as co- organizer of the event, from the Israeli perspective, bringing together companies, civil society, and government representatives to address the main challenges mentioned above. Successful implementation of the Strategic Roundtable meeting for Africa will create win-win situation for all involved parties: • European Commission – The Roundtable will complement the EU post-COVID19 recovery plan and EU External Investment Plan (EIP) by recruiting private investment funds for establishing sustainable projects in Africa that are aimed at creating new jobs, alleviating poverty, and addressing migratory pressures, food crises and climate change. It will furthermore accelerate economic growth in Africa and Europe. And, most importantly, it will also be aligned with the European Green Deal, as proposed by the future Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, for Europe becoming a world leader in circular economy and clean technologies. Furthermore, facilitating cutting-edge research and innovation through the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan under the framework of the Green Deal focus on farm to fork strategy and digital transformation. • African countries – it will provide African governments innovative model & tools for assisting achieving their national development goals and corona virus recovery plans, accelerate local economies growth, attracting new public and private investment fuds, improving efficiency within the crucial sectors of development such as agriculture, industry, and trade; creating new jobs, alleviate local poverty, improving supply chain of goods and improving quality of life. • Israel – it will assist the Israel hi-tech industry to deliver innovative solutions to African countries under the umbrella of the new EU External Investment Plan, with minimum risk and will assist the Government of Israel tackling the migration crises and increase economic growth at same time; and the Strategic Roundtable will serve as platform to present its long track record to transform desert & arable land to green farming and improve rural development. • United Arab Emirate – UAE – It will assist UAE to achieve its development goals, becoming global modern dynamic leading economy by showcasing its capabilities to contribute to sustainable development in emerging markets, becoming leading developer and enhance long-term equity value and returns. And will assist Middle East governments to reach peace and stability by improving local economies to join forces with the international community for sustainable development.
whO we are
I represent an international group of public and private organisations from Europe, Israel and US, with vast experience in establishing sustainable projects in Africa that launched recently the new investment model for Africa; The new investment model is alongside with the Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package that will assist African countries implementing its huge economic potential that will overcome the global economic recession caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic; this challenge request international collaboration of the public and private sectors for Africa development!
Emerging Markets Project Facilitators Group
The EMPFG consortium regroups public and private entities from Europe, United States and Israel to offer a full range of solutions for facilitating projects in emerging markets such as:
Innovative technologies in critical areas of development i.e., farming, energy and infrastructure.
Funding mechanism of top priority projects in emerging markets that include private and public investment finds.
R&D and training services for adopting innovative technologies.
The EMPFG consortium members have proven track record and experience know-how in developing projects in Africa and have the expertise and operational skills to deliver large scale projects.